Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The piece entitled Apaleena was conceived and written while I was employed as an addiction counsellor with a well-known Christian organization, suffice it to say they did not save my soul, nor return my phone calls after I resigned. The majority of my clients were homeless men or those on the verge of homelessness; many of whom were struggling not only with substance abuse, but mental health issues, concurrent disorders, HIV, Aids and Hep-C. In many ways this piece is my homage to those who never made it, and for those who still struggle today, the lost and forgotten, the homeless person seated beside you at the bus shelter begging for spare change, a smile, or a simple acknowledge that they are alive. To them, and to those who are no longer in this moral coil, I dedicate Apaleena.

1 comment:

Amanda Earl said...

Gosh I like you, Stephen. This blog is very touching. Coffee soon?

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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz