Monday, February 05, 2007


Invariably there are too many variables, and this in itself is invariable. A sky, for instance, is a variance of blues, cobalt, cerulean, indigo, Prussian and so forth, a blueness that is variable yet invariable. Outpost the blue, relegate it to a red square and you end up with a blueness enshrouded in a red-redness, a variance of blue, red, blueness, redness and blue-redness. We cannot experience the blue without experiencing the red, allowing it into our perceptual field, our blue-redness, our red-blueness and so forth. The invariance is found in the variance of the invariability, the constancy of thought turned in on itself, an inversion, as would have it, a random constancy of thought. In this manner we are left with, or are brought to, a random series of reoccurring events over which we have so little control, as the invariance of their variability inverts the very possibility of knowing what the variance is. The constancy is found in the randomness, the invariance of the variance, the possibility that the same thing, the same event, object in our perceptual field will occur again, bring us back into the constancy of thought, the holding of the thought, the blueness, the red-blueness, the blue-redness in thought, even if just for a moment, a brief moment. Solipsistic, yes, perhaps so, but a constancy of solipsistic thought, a variance, a possibility, a fleeting image, object, event, happening crossing into out perceptual field, into the random reoccurrence of our lives, our made-up lives.

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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz